Tuesday, May 8, 2012

10 most frequently ask questions during job interviews.

1. First thing firsts, would you please tell me a little about yourself?

Example answers:
My name is Puad bin Senayan. I am .... years old and from ........... I am a final year student in Universiti................. due to complete my Bachelor’s Degree in.......................

2. What you know about the company?

Example answers:
Panasonic AVC Networks Kuala Lumpur Sdn. Bhd. is formerly known as Matsushita Television & Networks System Co., Sdn. Bhd. and is one of the four regional Panasonic Manufacturing bases that producing television to globally serve our ever expanding television markets around the world.

3. What is it that you feel is your strengths?

Example answers:
I feel that I am a very good team player but also able to handle my works independently. I also can say that I have very good interpersonal skills and communication skills. Besides that, I also can say that I am very organize and analytical kind-of-person. I think all this would help me whenever I am hired here.

4. What do you think is your weaknesses?

Example answers:
I think that I might be a little too carried away with me being an analytical person that sometimes, I tend to judge people. Actually, that is somehow a way for me to protect myself.

5. Why do you choose to work here, at this company?

Example answers:
I choose to apply for work here because I know that the brand name Panasonic itself is already a world renowned brand in consumer electronics products. I am also interested with the vision of the company to be “World’s No. 1 Colour Television Manufacturing”. This could help challenged me to do my best if I was given the opportunity to work here.

6.  What do you expect of your salary if you were given the position?

Example answers:
I think that a salary of RM ........ would be the best that I could ask for considering that I am a fresh graduate. If you think that it is not what you have in mind maybe we can make some adjustment here and there until we get a mutually agreed solution.

7. Do you have any working experience or an internship?

Example answers:
I do not have any working experience whether it is only a part-time job but I do have an internship programme where I went through for approximately 10 weeks. During the period, I did learn all the fundamental things about working environment and how to communicate with the people around it.

8. Tell us a little bit about your final year project.

Example answers:
My final year project goes with the title “................”. The title itself already tells the rough idea of what the project all about. It is about where a robot will be mimicking the olfactory system in humans and then locating the source of the gas or odour. It involves gas sensors as the olfactory sense and a microcontroller as the brain of the robot.

9. Are you able to work in our overseas office if you were told to?

Example answers:
Yes. I think I can manage having to work outside of this country because I do love travelling. So if I were given the chance to work overseas, I would love to take it.

10. Finally, why do you think we should hire you instead of others?

Example answers:
I think that I do posses all the right criteria to be able to move forward with the company and reaching its vision as I already stated before. So, with that I think that I should be hired instead of others.

Source : Mohd Shazerin Bin Halidi.(2010)


Anonymous said...

erm...berguna nie utk intrvw jwtn kntrk ak...mgkn dlm mggu dpn kot intrvw nya...huhuhu...thnkz friend for sharing this info...

arif rasyidin said...

hehe..bagus le tu kalu dapat bagi faedah pada ang..hehe..hari khamis aritu nampak ko kat kl sentral kat kedai fon..hehe