Friday, June 15, 2012


Discussion Material 

1.      Define the meaning of science in general
           An organized body of knowledge according to certain principles with defined subject matters.

2.      Explain the definition of Modern science and how does it begins and what does Empirical mean.

            Modern science is focus to the empirical spirit; refer to theorical and practical knowledge about natural world. In its broadest sense, science (from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") refers to any systematic knowledge or practice. In its more usual restricted sense, science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge based on scientific method, as well as to the organized body of knowledge gained through such research. This article focuses on the more restricted use of the word. Science as discussed in this article is sometimes termed experimental science to differentiate it from applied science, which is the application of scientific research to specific human needs, though the two are often interconnected. Since 1500 -1800 as regarded as early modern that in western europe. One philosopher from west Nicolous Copernicus (1473-1543) in his theory of earth said the centre of universe is first then   he said that sun as a center of universe. In another case, he reject Impetus theory because it is not releven. Until Claudius Ptolemy came to explain his theory about system of astronomy. Then Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) explain about many about science at the time like mathematic for motion theory, velocity theory (inertia vis a vis impetus),
And Telescope invention.

3.      Define the characteristic of Modern Science and explain its foundation.

            Modern Science is a evolution of the proses to acquired the knowledge, it is focus about theory and logic. Modern science have a part to show the characteristic or features about it. From the book “Religious Orthodoxy and The Battle for Rationality” said about characteristic of modern science that all evidence must be empirical to get the logic theory about human life. In the figures said only thing that can be perceived by sense are real. They just discuss only by their logic to get the answer about the world. Another opinion said revealed knowledge is not real knowledge because to proof the incident and material is not only think by the simply knowledge but must have the logic and truth reason. Then, another characteristic is they are not accept about acquired intellect. So, they reject a  toward element of soul in their discussion. Lastly, the only foundation is rational speculation and empirical experiment. It is because they are not agree about the metafizik knowledge by Islamic perspective to know about Allah, angel and others.

4.      Discuss the structure of Modern Science.

            Structure of Modern Science is a part of the west scientist to a proof their theory and opinion about science. First, the modern science structure is about facts to proof the opinion. It is begins with the assumption that there exist facts. A scientist accepts, for example, sense impressions or the pointer readings of his instruments as facts. Law, facts are organized into groups, and the relation which holds between facts belonging to the same groups is called a law or principle. Then about the hypotheses, these are tentative guesses, which represent some preliminary understanding of what is being investigated, and which are to be tested against observation or experiment. A part that many scientist focuses is about theory, a theory is a grand conceptual scheme that lies at the core of thinking and which provides a complete picture in its domain of validity. However, a scientist theory must, in addition, also satisfy certain strict criteria. In induction and deduction is looking at regularities in data allows one to gather knowledge inductively and make simple laws. Lastly is about the scientific method, only discuss about to having defined the necessary concepts. In essence, this is a procedure which comprise of the following sequence of steps.

5.      What is the definition of Islamic Science according to Prof. al-Attas?

The definition of Islamic Science according to Prof. Al-Attas is about scientific activity, which takes place ultimately within the Islamic worldview (or Islamic conceptual environment) but as an extension of it directly within the Islamic scientist conceptual scheme or Islamic context of science.

Prof. al-Attas

6.      When does Islamic Science begin?

            Islamic science does begin at two century of hijrah at the time that abbasid period lead to Islam world. That is revelation of Muhammad and start of Holy Quran evidence companion study about medicine by Harith. The Abbasid period get a way to get and buy a book that has write from many Muslims philosopher from the west. Therefore, that is clear that Islam is not far from the scientist and the first step in the science to get a truth about life.

Ibnu Sina

7.      Explain Quran as the foundation of Islamic Science with reference to the first surah revealed.

            Quran as the foundation of Islamic Science with reference to the first surah to a proof that Islamic science is a truth perspective to know about philosophy and science. Quran as foundation of Islamic science because at surah 96:1-5 said “Read. In the name of Allah exist and creates all in acquisition of name. That means Allah exists and creates all in universe and all knowledge comes from Allah. Then, in the second word in the Quran (2: 30-34) said “Bow as symbol of knowledge power over the everything”, that mean knowledge is a Knowledge acquisition involves complex cognitive processes: perception, learning, communication, association and reasoning. The term knowledge is also used to mean the confident understanding of a subject with the ability to use it for a specific purpose if appropriate.

8.      What is the different between Islamic science structure and Modern science structure?

            Different between Islamic science and Modern science structure is a very far. It is a very clear distinction on life. The main structure difference in Islamic structures base on the Quran source, observe, experiment and reasoning. While modern structure is based on human facts and law.

9.      Compare between Muslim and Western in terms of their view regarding knowledge.

            Muslims and Western have different opinion about regarding knowledge. They have three main concept of knowledge. In nature, that Muslims based sense of the sacred spiritual that mean one God is Allah and western secular that human the knowledge come from. In sources, Muslims refer to God (Allah) that Quran and western believe that sources list at Greece, Rome and Judaism. In Philosophy dispute Muslims is metaphysic and western philosophy that thinking knowledge from human.

10.  What are Muslims responsibilities towards knowledge?

            Muslim responsibility requirement of knowledge have a three main point. Firstly, Inalienable and indisputable right to acquire. Second, Observation or experiment not the only method but theory and systematic is important to thinking and take it. Third, Utility and signification that mean the old story that tell in Quran can take for source that knowledge.

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